Lets take a look at dogs shall we? In particular, lets look at the Corgi....they may or may not be the most adorable fucking things I've EVER seen...don't know what they look like? i'll save you
the trouble of Google searching it
Tell me you didn't just go "D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...." at that...if you didn't, you're either not human or you need to see another...
Yup...if you didn't just gush a little you're probably a robot.
It's like someone took a husky puppy, mixed it with some kind of biological hot-dog bun....
And made it's legs adorably disproportionate....
You might even say that Corgis are the "Minions" of the dog world, just adorable little things that only want to make you happy.
All in all, one of the cutest fucking things ever.
That's it. I'm done.
Probably not all that funny, but hey! It's a try!
All images © of their respective owners, I claim no ownership over any images.